Is the battle for the GOP chair in Michigan finally over?

Ex-Congressman Peter Hoekstra
On Tuesday, former Congressman Peter Hoekstra posted on X a statement saying that the RNC and the party's "presumptive nominee Donald Trump" now recognize him as the duly elected chair of the party instead of Kristina Karamo.
"It is time for the former Chair to join the fight to re-elect Donald Trump. She would be welcomed," Hoekstra wrote.
On Jan. 6, a group of state committee members voted to remove Karamo as chair, citing a number of issues including a lack of fundraising and interferring with county party politics. Hoekstra was subsequently named the party chair.
Many wealthy, mainstream Michigan Republicans have refused to donate to the party so long as Karamo is in charge.
Karamo, who was elected chair last year, has been fighting her removal, and a lawsuit over the dispute is still pending in Kent County Circut Court in Grand Rapids.
On Monday, Karamo posted a video challenging people trying to remove her, and made reference to a prominent Detroit corporate law firm, stating: "Are Warner Norcross & Judd partners involved in an effort to fraudulently remove me as MIGOP chair?"
Are Warner Norcross & Judd partners involved in an effort to fraudulently remove me as MIGOP chair?
— Kristina Karamo (@KristinaKaramo) February 12, 2024
Hoekstra served in Congress from 1993 to 2011. President Trump named him U.S. ambassador to the Netherlands in 2017. He stepped down in January 2021 when Trump left the White House.